Display and Interface Overview & Mouse Keyboard Shortcuts 2

The Interface

Arcon Evo Software Interface

These options are available for 3D Architect and Arcon Evo range. To compare, please visit the compare 3D Architect page

  1. Tool Menu Bar
  2. Tool Placement Context Bar
  3. Standard Menu Bar
  4. Horizontal Icon Bar
  5. Tool Options / Objects Catalogue
  6. Main Worksheet
  7. Status Bar
  8. Numeric Input
  9. Tool Options Header Bar

Arcon Evo users: Toolbar display above uses Coloured icon display (menu Options > Toolbar Variants >
Coloured icons)

Basic Mouse & Keyboard Controls

In 2D Construction mode and 3D Furnishing mode you can use various mouse and keyboard controls for zooming, viewing from all angles, moving about screen and walkthroughs.

2D Construction Mode

Here are some basic mouse and keyboard controls to help you navigate your way round in 2D construction

Hold down the right mouse button: this will shift the floor plan view when moving the mouse

Move the mouse wheel: This allows you to zoom in and out to the selection

Left mouse button and selection tool: Use to select menus, elements and tools.

Note: This same selection tool can also be used for zooming by selecting this in the Tool Options circled below.

Arcon Evo 2D Conctruction Interface

3D Furnishing Mode

Here are some basic mouse and keyboard controls to help you navigate your way round in 3D Furnishing


Hold down right-mouse button: Allows you to rotate and view 3D building from every side when moving mouse

Hold down the right mouse button and Shift key: This will shift the 3D building from side to side when moving mouse

Hold down the right mouse button and Ctrl key: This will rotate 3D building around reference point when moving mouse

Move the mouse wheel: Allows you to zoom in and out to selection

Left mouse button and selection tool : Use to select menus, elements and tools.

Note: This same selection tool can also be used for zooming by selecting this in the Tool Options circled on the right

Arcon Evo 2D Conctruction Interface

Walkthrough Mode 

Press down left mouse button and move mouse in direction to speed up walkthrough.

The icon will change depending on direction.

Pressed left mouse button, Shift key and move mouse in direction to increase speed